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Best Electronic Learning Toys For Christmas 2010

Christmas is fast approaching and while parents want to give their kids toys they enjoy they also want toys that don't dumb them down. There are a number of new electronic learning toys on the market that can offer parents both-the reassurance of a popular toy that will add to the richness of children's lives.Learning toys are great, except when they sit in the cupboard unused because your child can't stand them. Ultimately, they have to be fun and engaging before any learning can take place. Leaspter and VTech are two of the biggest names in interactive learning toys and they both have new devices playstation 3 wholesalers on the market, ready for Christmas in 2010, which are specifically designed to help kids learn through technology.VTech has a long history of making toys with a learning focus and their newest device, the V. Reader is one pretty cool idea. It's wholesale earphones basically an ebook reader for kids and combines animation with audio and reading to engage kids with the books and allows them to interact on a number of levels.Kids can read the books but also listen to the device read to them. Using their fingers or a stylus they can also touch words and images on the screen and small animations appear, defining hard words or moving the characters. It's a great idea and at under $60 it is sure to appeal. We liked the clear protector that folds neatly over the screen and keyboard to protect it and just the idea of a kids ebook reader is one long overdue.Another company with a long and awarded history in learning toys is Leapfrog. They have been a favourite of parents and kids for many years and their latest device is called the Leapster Explorer. Parents familiar with the previous incarnations of the Leapster will know it is a handheld gaming device, much like the Nintendo DS but with games designed specifically for learning. While not backwards compatible with earlier versions of the Leapster the Leapster Explorer is a big improvement.Like the V Reader QS 8005 it has a touch screen that can be operated by using fingers or a stylus and also uses cartridges to add games and ebooks to the system. The main difference is that the Leapster Explorer is shaped and operated like a handheld gaming console rather than an ebook reader. Kids navigate through the games to learn and answer questions about science, maths, spelling and a whole range of curriculum based subjects. The Leapster Explorer retails for $69.95.If you are looking for ways to entertain and educate your kids look no further than these two devices, just remember to include some rechargeable batteries in the stocking!

Where Can I Find High Interest Money Market Accounts

Everyone wants the best return on their investment, and banks have stepped up to the plate to offer a wide variety of products and services that meet this demand. So how can you find high interest money market accounts. Read on for important tips to help you get the most for your money.A Simple FormulaEssentially, the interest paid on money market accounts works similarly to the interest paid on certificates of deposit. You agree to “loan” the bank your money (by saving it in your money market account), and in return, the bank pays you an interest rate based on how much you’re willing to deposit. Unlike a CD, money market accounts allow you to make a certain number of withdrawals every month. This gives you Replica Porsche Design Watches the freedom and flexibility of having access to your money in the event of an emergency or other need. Because you have the ability to make withdrawals, money market accounts don’t pay as much as CDs (where your money Replica Prada Watches is left alone for a set time period) but the rates are comparable to traditional savings accounts. High interest money market accounts are also FDIC insured for member banks, Ebel Watches meaning they’re backed by the strength and stability of the U.S. government. This means you are protected up to $250,000, per insured bank, on your investment.Comparison ShopThe best way to find high interest money market accounts is to comparison shop. Go beyond your local or national bank and do some research online. There are plenty of banking sites which compare money market accounts, and explain the terms and risks up front – so you’ll know approximately how much of a return to expect. Because the interest rate changes on a daily basis, the bank with the highest rate today could have the Ulysse Nardin lowest rate tomorrow. That’s why it’s important to look beyond the enticing rates and find a bank that has a high star rating for security and safety as well.Determine the Best Product for Your NeedsIf you want the access ease of a checking account while earning the interest of a savings account, a money market account is the ideal, low-risk choice. While CD interest rates are higher, money market accounts give you the freedom of accessing your money at any time, for any reason, without paying a penalty for early withdrawal. Plus, the more you invest in a money market account, the more you can earn and reach your savings goals. A blend of checking, savings and money market accounts is a great way for beginners to safely invest their funds. Money market accounts are also beneficial for both short and long term savings goals, as you’ll continue to earn compound interest that has accrued, and have it added to your account every month.As with any investment, research money market accounts so you understand the value each bank provides.